Trevarefabrikken 5 years
30th of July 12.00 – 02.30
This summer Trevarefabrikken celebrates five years with open doors. There will be live music, DJs, food, markets, community sauna and lots more to enjoy – everything Trevarefabrikken is about. Welcome to Trevarefabrikken as an open house, full of music, activities and good vibes.
Live: Todd Terje DJ-set, Silkeprinsen,
DJs: Disko Spesial
Market: Loppis, Vintage ++
Community Sauna – Open for all
Anniversary quiz
Food & drinks!
Free entry!
ID: 18 (20 from 23.00)
Terje Olsen aka. Todd Terje has been recongnized across the world for his legendary Oslo-disco. This summer he travels north to give us a hand in our celebration. Come join in the experience of Todd Terje in a DJ-set format, hot and dancy – straight from the decks of a legend.
Silkeprinsen plays his first ever live show. An exclusive intimate concert in a secret location at the factory. Keep an eye out!
Erlend Klette, with his Disko Spesial, returns for an epic celebration! Erlend Klette has been part of the Trevare-family since the beginning, always bringing his top game within delightful, frivolous disco. Come and swing through Hermetikkens latest hours.
Hourly program:
12.00 – 16.00: Market: Loppis, Vintage ++
10.00 – 18.00: Community Sauna – Sauna is hot and open for all
17.00: Anniversary quiz by Hjelle brothers
20.00: Silkeprinsen Live
21.00: Todd Terje Live (DJ-sett)
23.00 – 02.30: Disko Spesial
See you at the factory!